Wednesday, January 25, 2012

After several years of being a closet fan of Taylor's, I've decided to try my hand at creating a blog so that I can express my love of her music and how I view her as a person.

I'd like to start by posting a poem I was prompted to write after reading so much criticism of Taylor. I'm not a writer as such, and I've never written a poem before so please don't be too harsh with my effort.

Taylor Swift

An angel sent from god above
To teach us mortals how to love
In a world ruled by hate and greed
She teaches us to love every creed
She loves us all with all her might
She holds us all in her heart at night
The angel sent from god above
To teach us mortals how to love

Well there it is. I believe that Taylor is a wonderful and caring person who herself believes that all people should treat one another with kindness and compassion.

People say you can't teach old dogs new tricks, but this old dog(56)has certainly learned to put old slights and unkindness behind him. I've been a fan of Taylor's ever since I heard her debut song, "Tim McGraw". I was driving down the interstate on my way to the mountains of Virginia, (The George Washington National Forest), for a weekend of camping and four wheeling in my Jeep when the song came on. I pulled over to the side of the road so I could hear it better over the wind noise. While the song was playing I was running through a litany of female singers wondering who it was. When the DJ announced the name Taylor Swift and that she was a new artist, I knew that I was a fan.

Katharine Hepburn once said; "Love has nothing to do with what you are expecting to get - only with what you are expecting to give - which is everything."

This seems to be what Taylor gives her fans everyday. I wish nothing but happiness and a life full of love for Taylor.

Long Live 13

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